Organisation's structure and business

The Shanly Group operates as a property developer and investor in the South East of England.  The group comprises two parent organisations along with their respective subsidiaries.

Sorbon Homes Limited operates as a housebuilder with its principal subsidiary being Shanly Homes Limited.  The companies acquire land both with and without planning permission, obtain planning permissions, construct and then sell well designed, quality homes.  In the year ended 31st December 2020, the consolidated turnover of Sorbon Homes Limited was £96m and the turnover of Shanly Homes Limited was £91m.  Shanly Homes Limited employed 138 members of staff at the year end.

Sorbon Investments Limited and its principal subsidiary, Sorbon Estates Limited operate as property investors with the majority of their property investments in the Thames Valley region.  The companies rent their property assets to tenants and follow a policy of continually improving their investment portfolio.  This is done by acquiring further property assets or by redeveloping or refurbishing existing assets.  In the year ended 31st December 2020, the turnover of Sorbon Investments Limited was £26m and the turnover of Sorbon Estates Limited was £16m.  Sorbon Estates Limited employed 37 members of staff at the year end.

Our policies

We will continue to review our systems, policies and procedures to ensure they address modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms within our business and supply chain.

We protect whistle blowers through our whistleblowing procedure which allows any employee or third party to confidentially raise a concern.

Awareness will be raised for all employees through internal communication channels and appropriate training provided where necessary.

This statement has been approved by the Board and will be reviewed and updated as necessary on at least an annual basis.

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