20 November 2023

Don't miss our mulled wine evening at Broadleaf Place

We are excited to announce that we are holding a 'Mulled Wine and Mince Pies' evening at Broadleaf Place, Caterham on Thursday 7th December. Join us to celebrate the festive season and experience the magic of Christmas in a brand-new home. From 6pm to 8pm we will be welcoming guests and our Sales Consultant will be available to show you round and answer any questions you may have.

Broadleaf Place is perfectly situated to make the most of the amenities in Whyteleafe and Caterham, including a choice of train stations within walking distance, restaurants, schools and shops. Caterham is a vibrant town with everything you need close at hand. This impressive collection of two- and three-bedroom houses showcases Shanly Homes' award winning quality and design. Elegant inside and out, your home has spacious, contemporary layouts and superior finishes in every room

Let us know you are coming by calling 01883 771 275 or email broadleaf.place@shanlyhomes.com

We look forward to seeing you (Christmas jumpers optional!)

Mulled Wine Broad Leaf